So where I went to highschool, or at least in my friend group.
The cool thing wasn't to have designer clothes
or to have the most expensive wardrobe. Our school was a little odd.
Because the cool thing, was to find the best buys at the D.I or at a thrift shop.
If you found the cutest top at the D.I for 5 bucks... you made it.
Sure we were a little odd... but I am grateful for it.
Well first it helped me save my money in highschool and not blow it on designer clothes.
And I became a dang good bargain shopper.
I basically thrive off it. I get to a thrift shop, and I am like a child in a candy shop.
Or I hear of a sale. And I get all giddy.
For example Urban Outfitters a couple weeks ago had half off on all their sale stuff.
I was there in a heart beat. I got 7 things. For how much did I spend you ask?
60 bucks... guess how much it would have originally cost?
$342.. yeah you betcha I did the math because I was so proud!
So this week my beautiful and oh so talented sister is modeling one or a couple of my thrift shop finds. Take a gander, and make a guess of what piece of clothing is from the D.I (D.I stands for deseret industries, a second hand store).

Well if you guessed right you would have said half of the outfit was thrifted.
Yes...almost the whole entire outfit was bought from a nearby thrift shop.
The pants? D.I for five bones.
The shoes? D.I for seven bones.
And the top? D.I for 4 bones.
So half of the outfit was only $16.
Who said you can't be fashionable on a low budget?
Because they were DEAD wrong.
I hope I gave some of you motivation to start thrifting!
If some of you already do, I would love to hear where you go.
You can never have enough places to shop :)
Hi :) I found your blog via Epic thread, I really like it... your sister and you are both really cute. Like your style :) xo, Luci
In my world, the cheapest deal has always equaled the most fashionable outfit. Everything's better when you didn't have to spend tons of money on it!