India Earl Photography

Miss Abby is wearing my favorite three pieces in my closet.
My makeshift fedora, green denim button up and floral skirt.
These 3 have probably been worn two or three times a week all summer.
I hate wearing a clothing item more than once a month let alone a week,
but these clothes can be worn so many ways (besides the hat).
The skirt goes with t-shirts, denim, button ups, cardigans, suit jackets.. should I go on?
The green button up goes with skinnies, shorts, skirts, as a wrap around your waste.
And the hat... well that hat goes with just about anything, and makes every outfit that much better.
I am telling you now get a hat like this!
Whenever you feel like your outfit just isn't working you put a fedora with it. Instantly better.
I called my hat "makeshift" because it was actually my dad's fisher hat.
I saw it sitting in a D.I pile, and about had a heart attack because I loved it so much.
I told him how dare he hide it from me for so long haha
So you don't have to even buy one, go hunt in your dad's closet and see if he is hiding one!
Green Button-up: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: Cotton up
Fedora: Padre's closet
Find Green Denim Button-up Here: Loft, Forever 21, Windsor
Floral Skirt Here: Cotton On, Urban Outfitters
Fedora Here: ASOS, Piperlime, Free People
Model: Abby Bridges
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