Monday, September 30, 2013
I Had A Birthday
So I turned 20!!
Woop Woop no longer am I a teenager, let me tell you.. it feels real good.
I can not even begin to describe how blessed I am. I honestly have to most amazing friends in the whole entire world. Like I could cry I love them so much. My birthday made me realize that I have so many people in this world that care about me. Not that I didn't know that before... but on your birthday you just seem to be extra loved.
I don't even know where to begin with my birthday.
It included lap dances, rape, winning the lottery, an epic dance party.... and cheesecake.
So.... let me explain.
My roommates and I planned to throw a little party for my Bday, you know maybe 50 people?
One of our friends is the sickest DJ and he said he would DJ for our birthday.
But then, our friend Brian said he wanted to throw a party too, and that we could do it at his house.
So thinking the party would still be small we agreed, but then later that day we see the Facebook
page he created... found here, and he invited over 1000 people!!!
I was like what the heck, that is huge! He said he wanted to go all out for my birthday,
and so he did....
Just in an hour into the party the house was crowded, two DJ's were going at it, and bodies were dancing everywhere. Then all of a sudden, the music stops. And Birthday Sex comes on.
I see a chair floating to the middle, and suddenly I am being pushed into the chair.
There is a crowd of people circled around me, and a man is all of sudden giving me a lap dance.
Can I say I am so awkward... like what are you supposed to do!? I just kept laughing.
Once he was done I stood up to be done and I was pushed back down into the seat and I got like 5 more lap dances from other boys. Lets just say I was not prepared for that hahaha
Then the last lap dancer.. an Asian whom I don't know all of sudden came in and tried to make out with me! I was stuck in the chair with no where to go panicking! Kaytee had to push him off, thank goodness she did! But either way it was such hilarious and something everyone should experience. The rest of the night was amazing, DJ Ben killed it, and I think I danced my legs to the point of death. Like any good party the cops came and shut it down, and it was a night to put in the books.
Now for winning the lottery.
Well I guess I technically didn't win the lottery but I wont two bucks if that counts for anything haha
The night before my birthday 5 of us drove up to lava hot springs, which was pure paradise. And on our way home the time hit 12 am it was my birthday! Jared and Yourdanos bought me cheesecake, because they knew it was my favorite (how cute!?) and then we pulled over and bought some scratch lottery games. And I won two dollas. haha lame I know, but hey at least I won something!
There was so much more that happened that day that I could go on for hours.
But for those of you reading this that were there to make my birthday special I am so grateful and I love you guys oh so much! Thanking for being in my life!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
On Thursday the stresses of tests, homework and boys got the best of us and we needed to escape life,
just for one moment. The benefit of living where we do is that the mouth of the canyon is a two minute drive and we have access to a million and one hiking trails. We packed ourselves into the car and drove deep into the canyon until we were completely enveloped by trees. We picked a random stop, pulled over, and started our way up the mountain.
I will say this now and forever that there is something about the mountains that sets you free.
The fresh air, the beauty, the nature, just make you feel relaxed. You just want to find a nice pile of crunchy leaves and just lie down and watch the fog roll by as you listen to the stream flow.
I went from stressed, to in Hailey la la land.. and let me tell you, it is a great land.
We had to cross a bridge, but of course, knowing us, we couldn't just walk across it like normal people do, we decide to walk on the ledge. It makes life just that more exciting. We also found this epic teepee. Just to the left of the trail some stranger made it. It was a nice and sturdy made of all sticks and had this odd kind of beauty to it. I secretly want to go back and go all bear grills and camp out in it. We will put that on the bucket list.
We didn't stay long, maybe just an hour, but the mountains don't need long to work their magic.
They will forever hold a piece of my heart.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Layering Sweaters - Thrifted
Rule #3 of How to Wear Sweaters in the Heat
Layer an airy sweater over a dress.
Yeah layering in the summer can sound a little... hot.
But we all have those sweaters that are not as heavy, and have a little flow to them.
They always look great with a dress!
Well any sweater looks good over a dress...
But if you are worried about over heating, choose one of you lighter sweaters.
Honestly... Most of what my wardrobe consists of is layering sweaters over dresses and skirts.
You can make a dress look you have never worn it before, if you layer it in a new way every time.
Just the other day my roommate told me that she had never seen me wear the dress I was wearing.
But I had actually worn it TWICE the week before.
The best compliment I can be told is when someone says, it seems like I never wear anything twice.
Which is my goal! You could have a wardrobe that consists of 10 items. But if you know
how to mix and match you can make 50 different outfits.
Now that I am done with my litter spiel.....
Really Start wearing your sweaters... It kinda helps that now in Utah the weather is getting colder
But all you followers still in the warmth outside of Utah, start layering those dresses and sweaters!
Also if you do, send me pictures! I would love to see you guys trying out new things!
And... lets talk about this dress... and how it was thrifted... in a way.
It was from my moms closet.. she kept it and it is from the 90's!
Can you believe that? When I came across it I about died because I had been wanting a denim
dress forever! But you guys are in luck because if you are looking for one, they are swarming the racks at second hand stores. Just the other day I went and visited our thrift shop the D.I., and I found about 10 denim dresses. So before you go and buy one, guy check your local thrift shops stores!
Sweater: Urban Outfitters
Similar Here: Urban Outfitters, ASOS, ASOS
Dress: Thrifted
Similar Here: Levi's, Old Navy, Amazon, Forever 21
Shoes: DSW
Similar Here: Macy's, Ralph Lauren, Nordstroms
Necklace: Forever 21
Monday, September 23, 2013
Cardigan Sweaters
India Earl Photography
Summer Sweater Rule #2
Cardigan sweaters with a tank top and shorts.
Simple yet again. I have about one billion cardigan sweaters.
In the Winter I usually wear them with collared shirts or long sleeves.
But in the summer you can easily throw it with a pair of shorts and a tank.
The tricky thing is that sometimes a sweater and flip flops and sandals looks
a little off, so your best bet is to wear it with boots.
Plus boots make every outfit better!
Models In Order: Paige Hansen, Kaytee Lucherini
Paige's Outfit:
Cardigan: Nordstrom's Rack
Shirt: H&M
Shorts: American Eagle
Similar Here: Forever 21, Free People
Boots: Urban Outfitters
Kaytee's Outfit:
Cardigan: Nordstrom's Rack
Similar Here: Urban Outfitters, Urban Outfitters
Tank: Forever 21
Boots: Forever 21
Similar Here: Urban Outfitters
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Sweater Weather
India Earl Photography
Guys.... it is sweater weather!!
And yes continue to sing the song sweater weather in your head.... because it is now stuck in mine.
You know that awkward transition from summer to fall where it is warm, but cold
but not cold enough to wear sweaters... or at least you think.
Well I say you can wear sweaters any day of the year, it is just all about what you pair it with.
So today and this upcoming week I will be posting how I like to wear my sweaters when
the weather just isn't cold enough.
Today we will start with my beautiful roommate Miss. Kenzie Baugh.
First let just be at ahh at how flawless she is, she literally kills me.
Second... I am in love with this outfit I put together.
It is so vibrant and makes such a statement.
Doesn't this have such an 80's look to it? Obviously it has a modern twist to it but
I love that it has that retro feel.
The sweater, the skirt, and those heels with the pop of orange just make one unique outfit.
This day it was 85 degrees outside, and kenz didn't sweat a bullet, even though she was wearing a sweater.
So here is rule one to wearing a sweater outside of winter:
Rule #1
Wear a sweater with a skirt.
Yup it is that simple. Skirts are airy, light, and keep you from feeling constricted and hot. If you pair a sweater with it, the lightness of the skirt with balance out the sweater. If you are not into the whole heels things, you can pair socks with some cute flats. I love paring socks with flats, because plain flats tend to bore me.
If you are like me and are a sweater addict, try this! For awhile I would just look at my sweaters and think about how I couldn't wait to wear them, but now that I figured out little ways to sneak around the heat I now can!
Last photo is a little sneak peak at the outfits to come....
Sweater: SheInside
Find it here: SheInside
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Find it here: Urban Outfitters, SheInside
Socks: JCrew
Shoes: Target
Find similar here: Zappos, Heels, Urban Outfitters ( I am dying to buy these)
Guys.... it is sweater weather!!
And yes continue to sing the song sweater weather in your head.... because it is now stuck in mine.
You know that awkward transition from summer to fall where it is warm, but cold
but not cold enough to wear sweaters... or at least you think.
Well I say you can wear sweaters any day of the year, it is just all about what you pair it with.
So today and this upcoming week I will be posting how I like to wear my sweaters when
the weather just isn't cold enough.
Today we will start with my beautiful roommate Miss. Kenzie Baugh.
First let just be at ahh at how flawless she is, she literally kills me.
Second... I am in love with this outfit I put together.
It is so vibrant and makes such a statement.
Doesn't this have such an 80's look to it? Obviously it has a modern twist to it but
I love that it has that retro feel.
The sweater, the skirt, and those heels with the pop of orange just make one unique outfit.
This day it was 85 degrees outside, and kenz didn't sweat a bullet, even though she was wearing a sweater.
So here is rule one to wearing a sweater outside of winter:
Rule #1
Wear a sweater with a skirt.
Yup it is that simple. Skirts are airy, light, and keep you from feeling constricted and hot. If you pair a sweater with it, the lightness of the skirt with balance out the sweater. If you are not into the whole heels things, you can pair socks with some cute flats. I love paring socks with flats, because plain flats tend to bore me.
If you are like me and are a sweater addict, try this! For awhile I would just look at my sweaters and think about how I couldn't wait to wear them, but now that I figured out little ways to sneak around the heat I now can!
Last photo is a little sneak peak at the outfits to come....
Sweater: SheInside
Find it here: SheInside
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Find it here: Urban Outfitters, SheInside
Socks: JCrew
Shoes: Target
Find similar here: Zappos, Heels, Urban Outfitters ( I am dying to buy these)
Monday, September 16, 2013
First Attempt at Insta Video - Giveaway Winners!
Ever since Vine came out I have avoided it at all costs. I avoid it because I don't need yet another social media addiction. I already have facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and blogger to waste away my life with haha. But now Instgram has the new video option, and I haven't really used it because I hate how you couldn't upload your own videos. I finally did some digging and found a way to do it... So I made my first attempt. At first I wasn't planning on making one, but then me and Kenz were taking some photos and her camera was accidentally on 10 shots in a row. We scrolled through them and thought it looked legit. So we did a bunch of them, and put into a mini snip-it video! I hope you all enjoy.
AND GIVEAWAY WINNERS! The Lucky Winners of the Crown & Axe Simplicity Wallet are:
Neil Hopkin
Tysha Woods
Emily Jane Albrecht
winners email me at so we can discuss how we will send you your wallet!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Kaytee Lucherini (AKA Kitty)
India Earl Photography
I would like to rant about my beautiful roommate and best friend.
Meet Kaytee (aka Kitty).
Why Kitty you ask? I'll explain that some other day.
But... I would just like to say how much I love her and how blessed I am to have her as my roommate.
We have only known each other for maybe a year, but have already gone through so much
together. We were meant to be in each others lives, to get each other through our trials.
We laugh at how dumb we are about every second.
We have lingerie parties for two, seek out ways to blackmail each other, give each other pep
talks, have tai chi style dance offs, belt out Shakira Spanish songs, share our testimonies constantly, scare the crap out of our roommates, and talk in our beds at night about everything and nothing.
Kaytee is one of the most confident girls I know. She knows who she is and what she wants, and has
given me that drive in my life to actually make my dreams happen.
She is as gorgeous and sassy as they come, and her imperfections make her perfect.
Thank you for being my best friend and roommate.
Love you Kitty
Dress: AllSaints
Also please die at how amazing India Earl is. These photo's are literally to die for.
I could cry at how awesome they are. It also helps that Miss Lucherini is a total babe.
Thanks India for being so talented!
I would like to rant about my beautiful roommate and best friend.
Meet Kaytee (aka Kitty).
Why Kitty you ask? I'll explain that some other day.
But... I would just like to say how much I love her and how blessed I am to have her as my roommate.
We have only known each other for maybe a year, but have already gone through so much
together. We were meant to be in each others lives, to get each other through our trials.
We laugh at how dumb we are about every second.
We have lingerie parties for two, seek out ways to blackmail each other, give each other pep
talks, have tai chi style dance offs, belt out Shakira Spanish songs, share our testimonies constantly, scare the crap out of our roommates, and talk in our beds at night about everything and nothing.
Kaytee is one of the most confident girls I know. She knows who she is and what she wants, and has
given me that drive in my life to actually make my dreams happen.
She is as gorgeous and sassy as they come, and her imperfections make her perfect.
Thank you for being my best friend and roommate.
Love you Kitty
Dress: AllSaints
Also please die at how amazing India Earl is. These photo's are literally to die for.
I could cry at how awesome they are. It also helps that Miss Lucherini is a total babe.
Thanks India for being so talented!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
I wanted to post some of the pics with out outfits all together!
Aren't the Sunflowers ones to die for!?
Miss India Earl is probably the most talented girl I know, her photography is amazing.
There went a lot into getting a great picture like this....
Mainly we had to brave bird sized bees and rat sized crickets.
The the picture where I have the flower over my eyes,
I was secretly looking down at a cricket the size of my face making sure
it wasn't going to jump out and attack me.
Pure terror is hidden within those flowers!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Turquoise & Cream
India Earl Photography
My favorite colors:
Turquoise and Cream.
If I could wear it everyday, I think I would.
First off I love anything creamed color. I think I own about three dresses, 5 sweaters, 2 jackets, 2 shorts, 1 pants and a few hats that are all cream.
My favorite color to accessorize it with.. well now its obvious... Turquoise!
Its just a subtle pop of color.
I mean look at the coloring in those pictures!
They are meant to be together... obviously India is an amazing photographer and made
it look that much greater but really I am in love.
I am huge in to pastel turquoise and subtle whites
The best ways I like to wear them are:
1. Pops of turquoise in a neclace
2. A pastel or turquoise collar under a cream sweater
3. Turquoise socks with cream flats, or brown boots and a cream dress
4. Turquoise belt with cream collared shirt
My dress believe it or not from a second hand store. I got it for $5! I about sobbed for joy I was so happy. Kenz's dress is from Urban Outfitters, of course, everything UO sells is perfect!
So if your feeling a splurge, a cream dress is so worth it, but also remember to check thrift shops and second hand stores, because they are just hiding on those racks ready to be bought!
Find Sweater Here: Forever 21, YesStyle, ASOS
Find Dress Here: Aerie, Roxy, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters
My favorite colors:
Turquoise and Cream.
If I could wear it everyday, I think I would.
First off I love anything creamed color. I think I own about three dresses, 5 sweaters, 2 jackets, 2 shorts, 1 pants and a few hats that are all cream.
My favorite color to accessorize it with.. well now its obvious... Turquoise!
Its just a subtle pop of color.
I mean look at the coloring in those pictures!
They are meant to be together... obviously India is an amazing photographer and made
it look that much greater but really I am in love.
I am huge in to pastel turquoise and subtle whites
The best ways I like to wear them are:
1. Pops of turquoise in a neclace
2. A pastel or turquoise collar under a cream sweater
3. Turquoise socks with cream flats, or brown boots and a cream dress
4. Turquoise belt with cream collared shirt
My dress believe it or not from a second hand store. I got it for $5! I about sobbed for joy I was so happy. Kenz's dress is from Urban Outfitters, of course, everything UO sells is perfect!
So if your feeling a splurge, a cream dress is so worth it, but also remember to check thrift shops and second hand stores, because they are just hiding on those racks ready to be bought!
Find Sweater Here: Forever 21, YesStyle, ASOS
Find Dress Here: Aerie, Roxy, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
3 Pieces.
India Earl Photography

Miss Abby is wearing my favorite three pieces in my closet.
My makeshift fedora, green denim button up and floral skirt.
These 3 have probably been worn two or three times a week all summer.
I hate wearing a clothing item more than once a month let alone a week,
but these clothes can be worn so many ways (besides the hat).
The skirt goes with t-shirts, denim, button ups, cardigans, suit jackets.. should I go on?
The green button up goes with skinnies, shorts, skirts, as a wrap around your waste.
And the hat... well that hat goes with just about anything, and makes every outfit that much better.
I am telling you now get a hat like this!
Whenever you feel like your outfit just isn't working you put a fedora with it. Instantly better.
I called my hat "makeshift" because it was actually my dad's fisher hat.
I saw it sitting in a D.I pile, and about had a heart attack because I loved it so much.
I told him how dare he hide it from me for so long haha
So you don't have to even buy one, go hunt in your dad's closet and see if he is hiding one!
Green Button-up: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: Cotton up
Fedora: Padre's closet
Find Green Denim Button-up Here: Loft, Forever 21, Windsor
Floral Skirt Here: Cotton On, Urban Outfitters
Fedora Here: ASOS, Piperlime, Free People
Model: Abby Bridges
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